
The Difference Between Vegetable and Fruit

Fruits and vegetables are beneficial for health. It provides nutrition to our bodies. But there is a difference between fruits and vegetables. They have different tastes, structures, and nutrients. Due to their reasons, the difference is found in them. Fruits and vegetables have their own distinct qualities due to which they are different from each other. The difference between fruits and vegetables is explained below in detail.

What is the Difference Between Vegetables and Fruit?

fruit vs vegetable difference
what is the difference between a fruit and a vegetable

There are many differences between fruits and vegetables. They are classified from a botanical and culinary point of view.

Difference between fruits and vegetables from a botanical point of view

It totally depends on the plant. The plant from which the substance is made is a fruit and the substance developed from the plant in other ways is a vegetable. Fruits have seeds and vegetables have roots, stems, and leaves.

Difference between fruits and vegetables from a culinary point of view

Here fruits and vegetables are classified on the basis of taste. The taste of fruits is sweet and sour and the taste of vegetables is mildly salty. Usually, food cannot be made from fruits but food can be made from vegetables.

Fruits and vegetables are also differentiated according to their structure. The size of both is completely different.

Fruits and Vegetables Nutritional Comparison

There is not much difference between fruits and vegetables on the basis of nutritional content. Both contain high amounts of vitamins and minerals. Below you are shown the difference between fruits and vegetables-

  • Fiber:- More fiber is found in fruits. Fruits are sweet, so they are high in calories. Fiber is found in vegetables but less than in fruits.
  • Water:- The amount of water in fruits is less but the amount of water in leafy greens is very high.
  • Vitamins:- Vitamin C, beta-carotene, sodium, antioxidants, folate etc. Nutrients are found in fruits. Vegetables are rich in vitamin C, vitamin B, potassium, beta-carotene, sodium and antioxidants.
  • Other Nutrients:- Vegetables contain glucosinolates and are rich in anthocyanins, anti-inflammatory compounds which are very beneficial for the body.

Calories are high in fruits, but both are rich in vitamins and fiber. More differences are found in certain fruits and vegetables.

Health Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables

Both fruits and vegetables are essential for the body. The body gets many benefits from consuming them. Consuming fruits and vegetables help getting rid of heart-related diseases. Plenty of fiber is found in fruits and vegetables, which can reduce the risk of cancer and control weight. Fruits and vegetables are low in calories, so they do not increase weight. The fiber in fruits and vegetables lowers the level of blood sugar and keeps diabetes under control.

Fruits and vegetables should be used without extracting the juice because the juice gives vitamins and minerals but destroys the fiber. Apart from these, fruits and vegetables also free the body from many diseases. Strengthens the digestive system and develops the body. Fruits and vegetables are also considered good for the brain, so you must use them in your food.

The Bottom Line

Differences are found in fruits and vegetables from the physical and culinary point of view, but there is not much difference between them on the basis of nutrients. Almost the same nutrients are found in fruits and vegetables, which are beneficial for the body and prevent diseases. Fruits and vegetables should be used compulsorily in the diet as it is an integral part of the diet. It strengthens your digestive system and heart and makes the body strong.


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